Parents Support Group

As parents, we play an important role in our children’s development and to optimize their potential.
Edgefield Secondary School's Parent Support Group (EFSS PSG) supports both parents and their child in their journey in this school.
Our Mission
Encourage and support the school in the wellbeing and development of our children.
Assist parents in developing the skills they need to prepare their children for the future.
Our Vision
Work with school management to deepen the scope of collaboration.
Building and maintaining closer relationships with all Edgefield parents and PSG members.
Act as a feedback channel for parents to communicate with the school.
Our Roles
We collaborate with the school on projects (e.g. Racial Harmony Day, International Friendship Day etc.) that mold our future leaders with resilience and confidence with the skills they empower.
Message from EFSS PSG Executive Committee (EFSS PSG EXCO)
Dear Parents,
A warm welcome to Edgefield Secondary School!
Edgefield Secondary School’s Parent Support Group was established with the aim of supporting both parents and students at EFSS. Our tagline, "Connecting Hearts, Empowering Futures," reflects our commitment to fostering meaningful connections and empowering the future of our school community.
Here is a look at how the PSG partners with the school:
Organise talks on various parenting issues,
Participates in bonding activities for our children,
Hosts festive activities to raise awareness of different cultures and their significance,
Engages in other school initiatives and/or collaborations.
We warmly invite you and your spouse to join our PSG family! Experience the fun, connect with fellow parents and your child, and share your time and expertise through volunteering.
Looking forward to another great year with the PSG community!
EFSS PSG Executive Committee
Please click the image below, or fill up the form here.
Click here to visit our gallery for more information and photos.
More Information on EFSS PSG
Our Code of Ethics
√ Be enthusiastic about caring, sharing and learning.
√ Be warm, friendly, and courteous at all times.
√ Be dependable and responsible for our scheduled times. Notify the Chairperson
/ Event Coordinator early, if you are unable to commit to an agreed parent
volunteering event in school.
√ Give constructive feedback for school improvement through the PSG EXCO.
Criticism of the professional staff, students, other parents and programs
is inappropriate.
√ Be open-minded and flexible. Personal feelings should not interfere
with work.
√ Encourage other parents to be a member of the PSG.
√ Protect the teachers’, students’ and other parents’ right to privacy.
Do not disclose school or personal matters which have come to our attention.
√ Discuss area(s) of concern with the PSG EXCO.